Scripture Reading - Proverbs 15:27 NKJV

He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, But he who hates bribes will live.

Living in today’s world money seems to have a preeminent place. This lofty position was given to money by the “greed” of mankind. Historically, money (or a medium of exchange) was always necessary but some people believed that a good quality of life was better. Today, those who think that a better quality of life is good also believe that more money is the pathway to get there. This thought is troubling because many people are working hard to receive some money but for many of those hard workers it is not enough. Therefore, dealing with “greed” today is a lot larger problem than it was centuries ago. Of course, the simple tradition of working on your own property to provide food for your household and income through the exchange of goods has been traded for corporate wages with the promise of low risk and high wages. This sounds good and it works for some people but the “spirit of greed” has divided many upper income salaried personnel from the typical hourly worker in a lower position. This plight of man forced into a world economy is setting the stage for the one world system of currency where one economic system governs the whole world. Yes, many doubted that so many diverse nations could agree upon one type of currency but it is definitely unfolding right before our eyes. The problem is not just “greed” alone but a constant withdraw from godliness. As man becomes more financially oppressed this cry for more money and wealth will be on the rise. The basic definition of greed is, “an excessive desire for wealth or more money”. The power of “greed” can not be measured because all throughout history nations have fought wars for more wealth. The problem we face today is that it is getting harder and harder to discern exactly where the wealth is located, so the financial war of today is not about a certain place but rather between the haves and the have not’s. Since we have allowed money to change hands so rapidly to know who is really holding the bag at the end of the day is almost impossible. The good news is that as “Children of God” we can purpose to remove all “greed” by pondering the promises of God. It does not matter what is going on in the world because we are not of this world’s system, but rather from Christ Jesus. Yes, the economic conditions of this age will affect us but we do not have to be in a position where “greed” lords over us. “Greed” is nothing more than a perverted desire so we would be wise to set our affections on Christ and not solely upon monetary gain. It is perfectly OK to plan your financial spending by setting up a good budget. However, to spend excessive time trying to figure out exactly how to make more money is placing you in danger of being “greedy”. This lust for more money basically means you are trusting in money to satisfy your desires instead of trust in God to give you His more godly desires. This path of unbelief about the God of all provision will place you on the outside of His Will instead of the inside track for receiving His blessings. Money is only as good as the person who uses it, so keep your heart right with God first, then He will guide you into all truth to be in the position where all your needs are met according to His riches in glory, apart from “greed” and ungodliness in Jesus Name. Amen!